How To Public Climate School – Webinars
We are hosting an international HOW-To-PCS Zoom Conference on 02. (7pm, CET) and 06. March (5pm, CET).
Students, professors, from whatever university you are, HOW-To-PCS international will present a concept implemented in German universities by students, with the complicity and active participation of their professors, since November 2019, at the rate of one week per semester devoted to lessons dedicated to the climate!
Public Climate School 3.0
23.11.–27.11. Digital PCS
Students are organizing the third Germany-wide Public Climate School (PCS) for the week from November 23 to 27 – an open climate justice university for all. Interested parties can digitally participate in the educational events for an ecological and just future. This time there will also be a dedicated program for pupils*. No Registration necessary, everyone can watch live via the YouTube Channel of Fridays for Future DE.
#SchuleNeuDenken (Rethinking Education)
This time we also want to include the students. To this end, we have developed a colorful alternative timetable that deals with the topics related to the climate crisis.
Teachers can easily integrate into their lessons daily ready-made teaching units consisting of keynote talks followed by discussion rounds, live lessons and workshops.
Ohne Kerosin nach Berlin
(Without Kerosene to Berlin)
Without kerosene to Berlin? Yes exactly! From September 4th to September 18th we will cycle from Cologne to the capital for two weeks! There is also a south tour starting from Nuremberg!
Why? To spread the climate protest sustainably and actively on the bike. We cycle through the Ruhrpott via Münster, Hannover, Wolfsburg and finally via Magdeburg to Berlin.
1,5 Meter Disctance – for Just 1,5 Degrees!

Health crisis, economic crisis, climate crisis… Enough! Now is the moment to change course. You have no right to gamble away our future with tax money. With united forces we are working for a good life for all.
#BailoutThePlanet: Wir brauchen endlich einen grünen Neustart, der allen hilft – keine Geschenke für zukunftsfeindliche Lobbies und Industrien! Der Weg aus der Krise darf nicht der direkte Weg in die nächste Katastrophe sein! Konjunkturpakete für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Fahrräder und Züge statt für die Auto- und Flugindustrie. Erneuerbare Energien, Pflege und Gemeinwohl statt Subventionen für fossile Verursacher. Nachhaltiger wirtschaftlicher Wandel statt Scheinlösungen von gestern. Es ist Zeit – setzen wir einen sozial gerechten Klimaplan um, statt die Probleme zu zementieren.
#SoGehtSolidarisch: We must not abandon anyone, neither the old and the sick, nor the refugees at the external borders and the homeless. The self-employed and precariously employed are no less valuable than large corporations. Don’t save education and social welfare only when it is too late. Our future is no less important than the present. Responsibility means not only protecting livelihoods from corona: People from profits!
#Unteilbar (indivisible) by the crisis: We, the Movements for Climate Justice, together with many other anti-racist and solidarity initiatives, call on June 14th to take the streets and make bands of solidarity. At a distance of 1.5 meters, we demonstrate for socially and ecologically just economic stimulus programs and a climate-just future. Local, regional and global!
This call to action was signed by …
Alle Dörfer Bleiben, Am Boden Bleiben, Animal Climate Action (AniCA), AufBäumen, ausgeco2hlt, BUND Leipzig, BUNDjugend Bundesverband, Bündnis Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie, BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz, deCOALonize Europe, Ende Gelände Halle, Ende Gelände Hamburg, Ende Gelände München, Ende Gelände Passau, Ende Gelände Stuttgart, Extinction Rebellion Dresden, Extinction Rebellion Nordhausen, Extinction Rebellion Potsdam, Fossil Free Freiburg, Fridays for Future Erfurt, Gastivists Berlin, gegenstromberlin, gerechte1komma5 – der Klimaplan von unten, JunepA – Junges Netzwerk für politische Aktionen, KGB, Klimacamp im Rheinland, Klimagerechtigkeit Kassel (KligK), NaturFreunde Sachsen-Anhalt e.V., Naturfreundejugend, Naturschutzjugend Hamburg, Sand im Getriebe, Students for Future Deutschland
Public Climate School 2020: Welcome to the digital Campus!
Kiel Ludwigsburg Berlin Halle Dortmund Bochum München Saarbrücken
29.05. Online-Strike during the PCS 2.0
#FightEveryCrisis #LeaveNoOneBehind #ClimateJustice #Klimagerechtigkeit #PublicClimateSchool2020 #PCS20
We strike until you act! Even if we cannot go on the streets because of the current situation, we will not give peace. On Friday 29.05. there will be an online demo at 20 o’clock.

25.05.–29.05. Digital PCS
The students of the Fridays for Future movement are setting up the second Germany-wide Public Climate School (PCS) for the week from 25 to 29 May – an open university for everyone. This time all interested can participate completely digitally in the educational events for an ecological and fair future.
Siegen Kiel Bochum München Halle (Saale) Leipzig

In September, the German Federal Government presented a “climate package” that is completely inadequate in every respect. We, the students of Students for Future, have therefore called for the regular teaching activities of the universities to be resumed from November 25 to 29, 2019, and organized a Public Climate School.
The second germany-wide networking meeting of the Students For Future took place in Jena on 22/23.09.19. About 130 people participated and discussed nationwide about the plans and goals of this semester.
Send message
Write us directly via the contact form. Please note that at times we receive a lot of inquiries. You can help us in answering your inquiry by writing as concisely as possible with as much information about the subject matter as possible. Important questions that you want to have answered should be at the beginning of your message.
You can also contact us directly at: