Rund um Klimagerechtigkeit

{english below}

Artikel, Blogs etc:

Klima und Menschenrechte: Vier spannende Klagen, die man im Auge behalten sollte (Teil I) – Ann-Kathrin Steger

Klimawandel und Menschenrechte – können es die Gerichte richten? – Anne Kling

Menschenrechte und Klimawandel – Amnesty International

Ohne geht’s nicht. Klimagerechtigkeit braucht Feminismus – Julika Zimmermann

Publikationen – gratis zum Download:

The Debunking Handbook 2020 (Deutsche Uebersetzung erhaeltlich)

Der Elefant im Raum: Umweltrassismus in Deutschland – Imeh Ituen & Lisa Tatu Hey

Kolonialismus & Klimakrise: Über 500 Jahre Widerstand – Laura Bechert, Dodo, Shaylı Kartal


Handeln statt hoffen: Aufruf an die letzte Generation – Carola Rackete


1,5 Grad – der Klima-Podcast mit Luisa Neubauer

Der Gradmesser

klima update° – der Nachrichten-Podcast von klimareporter°

Fairquatscht – Der Nachhaltigkeits-Podcast


Don´t look up


Articles, blogs etc:

How to Tackle Deforestation? Give Indigenous People Their Land Rights – Rachel Ramirez

Manipulating Mother Nature: The gendered antagonism of geoengineering – Mavra Bari

What is Climate Feminism? – Nicole Greenfield

The Crucial Intersection of Feminism and Climate Justice – Gonzaga University

Cranky Uncle, App (with browser version): helps build up resilience against climate change deniers

Climate Explained, Article series on all things climate – The Conversation

Center for Climate Justice – University of California

Gen Dread – Blog on Climate Anxiety by Britt Wray

Publications – to download for free:

Toward a Queer Ecofeminism – Greta Gaard

Women, Gender Equality and Climate Change – UN WomenWatch

The Debunking Handbook 2020


A Bigger Picture: My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis – Vanessa Nakate

Antiracism in Animal Advocacy – Birdie Singer

Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future – Mary Robinson

The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across The Last Untamed Frontier – Ian Urbina

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis – Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine Keeble Wilkinson (eds.)


TED Climate

How to Save a Planet

A Matter of Degrees

The Climate Pod

Warm Regards


Don´t look up