Public Climate School 2024 in Leipzig

A week of climate education for all!

The fifth Public Climate School takes place in Leipzig from May 13 to 17!

What? Climate crisis, its societal implications, and solutions

How? Over 40 events: panel discussions, lectures, talks, workshops, music and so much more! Here you find all events (including the German ones).

Where? Main campus of the University of Leipzig (Augustusplatz)

As always: All students, lecturers, and everyone interested is welcome to join our events!

Follow us on Instagram or Telegram to get to know us better!

⚠️ Be aware: The event schedule, details, and locations will be constantly updated!

Monday, 13.05.2024

What does climate activism look like when we shift our gaze to other EU countries nearby? Which forms of protest are the most prominent, how is the movement being perceived by society and how effective do the activists themselve evaluate the path their country´s activism is taking? We want to take a moment to overlook borders, get inspired and learn from each other.

Tuesday, 14.05.2024

Further information soon.

In an article written in 2014 Dipesh Chakrabarty states that “Human-induced climate change gives rise to large and diverse issues of justice: justice between generations, between small island-nations and the polluting countries (both past and prospective), between developed, industrialized nations (historically responsible for most emissions) and the newly industrializing ones” (p. 9). Through the prism of this argument I explore contemporary calls for climate justice, de-growth and changes in consumption. While there can be no doubt that climate change is the pressing issue of the 21st century (and was the pressing issue already in the last quarter of the 20st century, albeit ignored), the call for de-growth and changes in life-styles, especially in the West, collides with the needs and desires of new middle classes in emerging economies and the attempt to alleviate poverty in the global South. These different realities are not fully acknowledged in the West despite the strong calls for global climate justice. While I have no solutions for these rifts between climate justice and poverty alleviation, I would like to at least alert to some of their predicaments with examples from South East Asia and the Pacific Islands.

In this panel Farzana Faruk Jhumu from Unicef Bangladesh, the ugandan environmentalist Eriga Reagan Elijah and the brazilian climate justice activist Valentina Ruas will discuss from online about the climate situation in their home countries, why and how they are activists and what they expect from other people and countries.

Wednesday, 15.05.2024

No events in English today – Check out the rest of our program!

Thursday, 16.05.2024

In this guest lecture of the lecture „environmental ethics“ we will hear from the Director of Greenpeace Israel about the connection of Judaism and environment.

What do the ongoing wars and the climate crisis have in common and why is the EU-election important? To discuss these points, we will interview Ilyess El Kortbi from FFF Ukraine and talk about their experience and activism.Accordion Item

Friday, 17.05.2024

Many thanks to…
